Bamboom! Exercise Drumming (6-8)

Last changed: 07/09/2024 4:18pm
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6 , 7 , 8 Music Phy. Education
Music Science Social Studies
Both Grade Level and Arts/PE Program Alignment
1 45 min
In-School Workshop In School Performance (intended for individual classes of a grade level to experience separately)
October - May In-School,
$10 0
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Native Powwow Drums, Drum sticks, shakers, and marimbas
None. Artists provides all materials
Gym preferred. Auditorium will be ok if space is 20 x 20.
I can create a sense of unity through interactive group drumming and music.

I can empower students with a sense of openness and awareness to mind/body/spirit.

I can teach the importance of respect for the environment through masks and music
BAMBOOM is 100 % interactive drumming and call and response song chants and EXERCISE. The interaction of students with each other creates bonding and good feelings of happiness and joy. Huge drums played by multiple students with drum sticks, in addition to marimbas and shakers create a healing environment. Music is the international language of kindness and love, together with empowering lyrics such as "Welcome healing in my body and in my world" are sung by all while drumming in easy call and response format. Through the use of masks (Grandfather Turtle) Dr. Joe touches upon the idea of respect for the environment and the importance of clean water and clean air. Students experience more then just playing drums with themes of unity, honor and respect for each other and our planet. Dr. Joe enriches the lives of the youth through the Healing Power of Music. Time breakdown: 0-3:00 Introductions, Intentions and Purpose 3:00- 10:00 Group stretching and Tai Chi 10:00-25:00 Group Song 25:00-30:00 Group Guided meditation: Dr. Joe leads with "Heartbeat Rhythm" on drum. 25:00-30:00 Grandfather Turtle visits and teaches about the importance of the water (Oceans, rivers and rain concluding with Honor Song for the Water. 30:00-40:00 Group Circle Chant-dance: Students with instrument shakers in hand form circle. Dr. Joe leads call and response song while dance moves in clockwise direction, inward and outward, spiraling and returning to form circle. 45:00-50:00 Concluding statements followed by an energetic group "clapping good-bye song." Grade 6-8 program focuses on more in-depth active participation of how to bring environmental issues to community involvement.
Yes, help is welcomed. 2-3 students

Grade 6

Grade 6: Reading Standards for Informational Text: Craft and Structure # 4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.
Grade 6: Music: Creating: Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. a. Generate simple rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic phrases within AB and ABA forms that convey expressive intent.

Grade 7

Grade 7: Reading Standards for Informational Text: Key Ideas and Details # 3: Analyze the interactions between individuals, events and ideas in a text (e.g., how ideas influence individuals or events, or how individuals influence ideas or events).
Grade 7: Music: Creating: Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. a . Generate rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic phrases and variations over harmonic accompaniments within AB, ABA,or theme and variation forms that convey expressive intent.

Grade 8

Grade 8: Reading Standards for Informational Text: Key Ideas and Details # 3: Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas or events (e.g, through comparisons, analogies, or categories).

Grade 8: Music: Creating: Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. a. Generate rhythmic, melodic and harmonic phrases and harmonic accompaniments within expanded forms(including introductions, transitions, and codas) that convey expressive intent.
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Joseph Breton
