Privacy Settings (6 - 8)

Last changed: 07/09/2024 5:20pm
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6 , 7 , 8
Dance English Social Studies
Grade Level Program Integration
5 60 min
In-School Short Term Residency In-School Performance intended for individual classes of a grade level to experience separately.
October In-School,
$10 0
yes In-Person , Email , Phone
Music, video links, resource links, prompt forms, reflection forms
Writing materials, smart board or similar to show videos, music playback is helpful.
An auditorium or large space is helpful so that students can move. We can begin the first two days of workshops in the classroom if necessary. Desks will need to be able to be pulled back. Students will need to be able to write and research and then transform their work into a physical dance/movement presentation.
I CAN create movement vocabulary.
I CAN create a dance.
I CAN collaborate.
I CAN present my work.
I CAN separate fact from fiction.
I CAN determine bias.
I CAN engage my audience.
I CAN have an informed opinion.
I CAN use multi-media to tell a story.
I CAN understand how to better keep myself safe and informed on social media.
Each daily lesson will follow a basic structure:
Students will warm-up in a group, instructor lead (10 minutes)
Students will participate in a discussion about the daily topic. (5-8 minutes)
Students will create movement inspired by this topic (10-12 minutes)
Students will divide into small groups, choose a topic/angle and research (15-20 minutes)
Students will present their findings (5-10 minutes)
The lessons include:

Lesson #1 All Media Messages are "Constructed" Authorship: Who Created the Message What is this week"s "hot topic?" On Day One the class will be shown a video of "Privacy Settings" performed by Sonia Plumb Dance Company.

Lesson #2 Media Messages Shape our perceptions of reality
Format: What creative techniques are used to attract my attention? How is it distributed? (Reality TV, Memes, YouTube, etc.) What technology do you want to include in your dance presentation? Video? PowerPoint? Photos? Other?

#3 Different Audience, Different Understanding of the Same Message
How might different people understand this message differently? Who does it target? Affect? Choose an audience for your message. Children? Adults? Women? Men?

#4 Media Messages Have Commercial Implications
What values, lifestyles and points of view are represented in or omitted from this message? Why do you think that particular media wants that audience? Shape your message/choreography/presentation to show the message BUT not persuade one way or another.

#5 Media Messages Embed Points of View
Why is this message being sent? What is the result, in your opinion? How do you want it to end? What is the result? Is it open to interpretation?

Students will refine their work.
Students will give a final presentation of their dance/multimedia story to the class.

Grade 6

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.5 Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, causally).

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.7 Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.8 Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.

a. Relate similar or contrasting ideas to develop choreography using a variety of stimuli (for example, music, observed dance, literary forms, notation, natural phenomena, personal experience/recall, current news or social events)

b. Compare and contrast a variety of possible production elements that would intensify and heighten the artistic intent of the work. Select choices and explain reasons for the decisions made using production terminology.

Grade 7

Grade 7: Reading Standards for Informational Text: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
9. Analyze how two or more authors w writing about the same topic shape their presentation of key information by emphasizing different evidence or advancing different interpretations of facts.
Grade 7: Speaking and Listening Standards: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
5. Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and findings and emphasize salient points.
Grade 7: Dance: Creating: DA:Cr1.1.7
a. Compare a variety of stimuli (for example, music, observed dance, literary forms, notation, natural phenomena, personal experience/recall, current news or social events) and make selections to expand movement vocabulary and artistic expression.
Grade 7: Dance: Performing: DA:Pr4.1.7
c. Collaborate with peers to practice and refine dances. Develop group performance expectations through observation and analyses 9for example, view live or recorded professional dancers and collaboratively develop group performance expectations based on information gained from observation.)

Grade 8

Grade 8: Reading Standards for Informational Text: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
9: Analyze a case in which two or more texts provide conflicting information on the same topic and identify where the texts disagree on matters of fact or interpretation.
Grade 7: Speaking and Listening Standards: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
5. Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest.
Grade 8: Dance: Creating: DA:Cr1.1.8
a. Implement movement from a variety of stimuli (for example, music, observed dance, literary forms, notation, natural phenomena, personal experience/recall, current news or social events) to develop dance content for an original dance study or dance.
Grade 8: Dance: Performing: DA:Pr6.1.8
b. Collaborate to design and execute production elements that would intensify and heighten the artistic intent of a dance performance on a stage, in a different venue, or for different audiences. Explain reasons for choices using production terminology