5 | Phy. Education Dance Visual Art Music Theater |
Dance | English |
Both Grade Level and Arts/PE Program | Alignment |
1 | 90 min |
Combo In-School Performance & In-School Workshop | Combo In-School performance (intended for individual classes of a grade level to experience separately) |
N/A |
All year | In-School, |
$10 | 0 |
no | Email , Phone |
Dancers, Music, Costumes, Lecture Materials, if any
Gymnasium or similar space, Speaker system with i-Phone jack for music
Gymnasium, Audio, Place for kids to sit, Microphone if necessary
"I CAN be a trustworthy partner and team player by bettering communication skills and being a good active listener
"I CAN prepare and train for this type of collaborative work "I CAN create artistic material based on my ideas and can communicate my ideas through movement |
B/S P's "Et Tu" workshop dives into the communication skills necessary to undertake fun and successful partnership; problem solving within the creative process; how we develop artistic material from conception to creation; and how to prepare for partner work. "Et Tu" is an athletic duet that requires trusting one's partner both physically and emotionally, and our workshop will include trust-building exercises that will support students' teamwork and communication skills in all classes--especially physical education, music, theater, and dance. This 90 minute workshop will begin with a performance of our duet, "Et Tu" , preferably in the gymnasium. Performing artists will provide the dancers, music, costumes and lecture material, and the school will be responsible for supplying a sound system. The performance"s content will address how we as a company and collaborative team create artistic material based on a concept, communicate between partners, problem solve within the creative process, and how to safely and intelligently train for the work. We will then lead a warm-up that will prepare the students for the next exercise, which is the partnering portion of the workshop. Here, the students will learn simple, safe, and fun "˜tools" to guide them in creating their own duets. The workshop will conclude with a showing of all the creations, giving each partnership the time to explain how they came up with their concept and were able to achieve it through movement.
B/S P's "Et Tu" workshop dives into the communication skills necessary to undertake fun and successful partnership; problem solving within the creative process; how we develop artistic material from conception to creation; and how to prepare for partner work. "Et Tu" is an athletic duet that requires trusting one's partner both physically and emotionally, and our workshop will include trust-building exercises that will support students' teamwork and communication skills in all classes--especially physical education, music, theater, and dance. This 90 minute workshop will begin with a performance of our duet, "Et Tu" , preferably in the gymnasium. Performing artists will provide the dancers, music, costumes and lecture material, and the school will be responsible for supplying a sound system. The performance"s content will address how we as a company and collaborative team create artistic material based on a concept, communicate between partners, problem solve within the creative process, and how to safely and intelligently train for the work. We will then lead a warm-up that will prepare the students for the next exercise, which is the partnering portion of the workshop. Here, the students will learn simple, safe, and fun "˜tools" to guide them in creating their own duets. The workshop will conclude with a showing of all the creations, giving each partnership the time to explain how they came up with their concept and were able to achieve it through movement.
Grade 5 |