This class can also be conducted in a 45 minute length per class if needed.
In-School Workshop
Intended for individual classes within the same grade level to each experience separately.
All Year
Email , In-Person , Phone
easel, markers, colored pencils , large drawing pad and wooden board for displays
drawing pads, pencils, erasers, colored pencils
small corner in the front of the room to put up easel for demonstrations.
I Can develop an idea of a basic character or base a character on the description given to me.
I Can develop a backdrop or habitat for my creature based on the facts i'm given about their environment.
I Can learn about the different climates from around the world and the creatures that inhabit them.
I Can use my imagination and creative abilities to challenge myself to develop a fictitious character and customize that character to survive in a particular environment.
The Program will start with the teaching artist positioned in an area in the front of the classroom with an easel and a circular chart with a movable arrow in the middle that spins. Around the circle will be different regions of the world on each "pie piece" of the circle.example; arctic, desert ect., The classroom teacher will pick out a student to spin the arrow and wherever that lands on will be the chosen place that we will focus on. It will also help us to develop our main character. This whole processes should take no longer then 10 minutes. Once the habitat is selected, I will provide an example of how to go about creating a character using simple shapes and forms. I will then guide the class on how to explore making their own original characters in their environments. Finally, the teaching artist will support students in describing the look of the character by listing the conditions and coping mechanisms of the habitat. This again, should take no longer then 10 minutes. During the second visit, students will get out their drawings from the previous class and recap the objectives and strategies in creating the habitat and imaginary characters. At the end of the second visit, students will be encouraged to share their work with the rest of the class.Students will review a variety of earth tones showing the differences between browns, burnt umber, raw sienna and a variety of green hues. the progress of the students will be gauged based on the artwork and descriptions put on paper for their creations. In addition to the students progress being visually apparent, the students would also verbally convey to their classmates what they have created.This would include details of their creature's physical characteristics and their ability to survive within their chosen environment.
A caregiver could assist me in passing out materials. As well as assisting in helping students in creating their characters and backgrounds.
Grade 2
Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems 2-LS2-4- Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats. My program will address the different obstacles and the ability to overcome harsh conditions to survive in various habitats.
Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems 2-LS4-1 Develop a simple model that mimics the function of an animal in dispersing seeds or pollinating plants. In my program when we are discussing the different creatures and fictisious characters, a general observation of how these creatures would survive in any particular environment.
Creating: Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. Brainstorm collaboratively multiple approaches to an art or design problem. (Program Alignment) students will be able to share in their creations of their fictitious creatures and explain how they came to these characteristic traits based on the information given.
Creating:Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic artwork.Discuss and reflect with peers about choices made in creating artwork. (Program Alignment) students will have the opportunity to discuss and present their creations with the rest of the class.They can describe their creatures and identify the different features that make their creation different and unique compared to their fellow classmates.
Grade 3
Inheritance and Variation of Traits: Life Cycles and Traits 3-LS3-2. Use evidence to support the explanation that traits can be influenced by the environment. (Program Alignment) students will learn how these animals or creatures would survive under their conditions if they actually existed.what characteristic traits would they have in order to adapt to their "homes".
Interdependent Relationships in the Ecosystem 3- LS4-4. Make a claim about the merit of a solution to a problem caused when the environment changes and the types of plants and animals that live there might change. the program will give the opportunity for the students to discuss their choices of how their creatures will adapt to the many changes in the environment around them.
Creating: Anchor Standards: Generate and Conceptualize artistic ideas and work.Elaborate on an imaginative idea. (Program Alignment) the students will be given the same conditions of their chosen habitats to create fictitious creatures. they will all be encouraged to share and compare their creations and be able to explain how they used their imaginations to incorporate the features they chose for their drawings.
Responding: Anchor Standards 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. Evaluate an artwork based on given criteria.
(program Alignment) the students are given the same descriptions and criteria at the beginning of each class.during the creation of their creatures the students will be able to share and compare their works.they will be able to discuss their differences in their drawings at the end of the class.
Grade 4
Structure, Function, and information Processing 4-LS1-1 Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival,growth, behavior,and reproduction. (Program Alignment) Even though these will be fictitious creatures , we will still rely on actual living animals and their traits that make them able to survive, reproduce and thrive in their given environment.
Structure, Function, and Information Processing 4-LS1-2 Use a model to describe an animals receive different types of information through their senses, process the information in their brain, and respond to the different information in different ways. In my program I will discuss the different senses and different caracteristics and how they contribute to the survival of these creatures. Example: If the creature lives in an extremely warm environment, they may need a shell or protective skin or scales to adapt to this environment.
Anchor Standard 1: Generate and Conceptualize artistic ideas and work. Brainstorm multiple approaches to a creative art or idea problem. (Program Alignment) Students will be asked to brainstorm different scenarios about each environment. As well as think up different approaches and different features within the parameters set up by each creatures surroundings.
Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.Revise artwork in progress on the basis of insights gained through peer discussion. (Program Alignment) I will be available and willing to help in the process of creating these creatures. The students will be discussing together how or why their characters look like they do.
Grade 5
Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems 5-PS3-1 Use models to describe that energy in animals' food (used for body repair , growth,motion, and to maintain body warmth.) the Program will inform the students of different types of animals that either use the sun to get warmth and vital nutrients provided by it or how they have things that actually protect from the sun.Ex; A turtle has a shell that it can crawl up into, to protect it from the suns rays.
Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems 5-LS2-1 Develop a model to describe the movement of matter among plants, animals, decomposes, and the environment.
the class will have discussions on how certain creatures depend on one another to assist in surviving.Certain birds feed on pests(bugs) of some of the larger animals and help protect them from diseases.
Responding: Anchor Standards 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work:Compare ones own interpretation of a work of art with the interpretation of others. (Program Alignment) Upon completion of the drawings, students will be expected to discuss and compare their drawings with their fellow classmates.
Responding: Anchor Standards 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. Interpret art by analyzing characteristics of form and structure, contextual information, subject matter, visual elements, and use of media to identify ideas and mood conveyed. (Program Alignment) By having the creatures based on the same criteria, similar traits from one another, and identical habitats, students can compare and ask and be asked about their own interpretations of the subject matter.