Improv Social Studies (4)

Last changed: 07/13/2022 8:47pm
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Theater Social Studies
Grade Level Program Alignment
1 45 min
In-School Workshop In-school workshop intended for individual classes of a grade level to experience separately.
All Year In-School,
$5 0
yes Phone , In-Person , Email
The workshop does not require materials other than the whiteboard/blackboard/markers/chalk.
The students should have enough room to walk around and perform scenes, ie. a classroom with the desks pushed back.
I can work creatively and cohesively in groups both in school and in the world at large. I can apply the principals of improvisational theater to both social and academic interactions. I can use games such as Slide Show and Pick a Play as tools to help me place historical events in a specific context.
Our program is designed to foster teamwork within the classroom. The workshop consists of activities in which students work together to build scenes and stories. The workshop begins with a brief discussion of the principles of improv, then the instructor leads warm up activities, and the students will participate in a series of improv activities centered around historical figures and material. This program is specifically designed for 4th grade. The academic topics addressed in this workshop can be based around topics currently being covered in the classroom. This program will cover the importance of perspective both in history and in improvisational theater. For example, this program will highlight the idea that within a scene, one person's perspective may be different from another person's but in order to establish a solid base reality they should work to share a perspective within the scene.
Caregivers are invited to participate, give suggestions as audience members, or just observe. As many caregivers as want to participate are welcome to!

Grade 4

Grade 4: History: Causation and Argumentation: 4.2 Explain probable causes and effects of events and developments.
Grade 4: History: Perspectives: 4.1 Explain connections among historical contexts and people"s perspectives at the time.
Grade 4: Theatre: Creating: Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

a. Articulate the visual details of imagined worlds, and improvised stories that support the given circumstances in a drama/theatre work.
Grade 4: Theatre: Creating: Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

c. Imagine how a character might move to support the story and given circumstances in a drama/theatre work.
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