What is Art (6-8)

Last changed: 07/09/2024 5:36pm
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6 , 7 , 8
Visual Art Social Studies English
Grade Level Program Alignment
1 120 min
Combo Offsite Tour & Offsite Workshop
All year (maximum 120 students per visit) Offsite,
$10 0
no Email , Phone , In-Person

NBMAA will provide all materials needed for each studio project. Studio educators will design each project based on group's learning goals.
NBMAA galleries and studio spaces
I can look at art in different ways and collaboratively share my interpretations with my classmates.
I can describe the key themes of an artwork.
I can discuss my opinion about the effectiveness of an artwork.
I can interpret and criticize artwork.
I can respect the opinions of other students, even if I see things differently.
Students will cultivate their observation and interpretive skills through critical analyses of artworks and artists’ intentions.
Chaperones are encouraged to participate during school visits! We require at least one chaperone per 10 students, but more are always appreciated and welcomed!

Grade 6

Grade 6: Reading Standards for Literature: Key Ideas and Details #1:
Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Grade 6: Reading Standards for Literature: Key Ideas and Details #2:
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
Grade 6: Visual Arts: Responding: Anchor Standard 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
Interpret art by distinguishing between relevant and non-relevant contextual information and analyzing subject matter, characteristics of form and structure, and use of media to identify ideas and moods conveyed.
Grade 6: Visual Arts: Creating: Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.
Reflect on whether personal artwork conveys the intended meaning and revise accordingly.

Grade 7

Grade 7: Common Core Standard Speaking and Listening: SL.7.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Grade 7: Common Core Standard Reading Informational Text: RL.7.1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from text.
Grade 7: Visual Arts: Responding: Anchor Standard 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
Interpret art by distinguishing between relevant and non-relevant contextual information and analyzing subject matter, characteristics of form and structure, and use of media to identify ideas and moods conveyed.
Grade 7: Visual Arts: Creating: Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.
Reflect on whether personal artwork conveys the intended meaning and revise accordingly.

Grade 8

Grade 8: Common Core Standard Speaking and Listening: SL.8.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Grade 8: Common Core Standard Reading Informational Text: RL.8.1: Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Grade 8: Visual Arts: Responding: Anchor Standard 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
Interpret art by distinguishing between relevant and non-relevant contextual information and analyzing subject matter, characteristics of form and structure, and use of media to identify ideas and moods conveyed.
Grade 8: Visual Arts: Creating: Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.
Reflect on whether personal artwork conveys the intended meaning and revise accordingly.