Tony Vacca's World Rhythms Concert (6 - 8 )

Last changed: 07/09/2024 5:35pm
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6 , 7 , 8 Music
Music Social Studies Math Science
Both Grade Level and Arts/PE Program Access
1 60 min
In-School Performance In-School Performance (intended for the entire grade level to experience together)

I'd like to plan a day that has me coming to your school to do either 3 or 4 workshops in my one-day visit.Each workshop can be a different grade level. I can easily handle up to about 40 students, so you can arrange to have each workshop be either one or two classrooms.

I prefer two classes in each workshop because it builds a great energy and connection between the students. But if one classroom per workshop is how you envision this, I can do that too.

Either way, I want to do a minimum of 3 workshop sessions in my one-day visit.
October 1- December 15; February 1-May 31 In-School,
$10 50
yes Email , Phone
Tony will provide all professional musical instruments (Music instruments include: djembes, gongs, drums, bells, balafon, bongos, dun-dun drums, rattles, etc.) and a sound system.

Electronic Study Guide and Resources List.
School will provide copies of the Study Guide and Resources List.
See space and set up.

School will provide a clean performance space approximately 16'x20' with access to electricity.

Tony's assembly MUST be in the same location as the mini residency in Math or Science if the school has scheduled Tony for those programs.

Please allow a 2 hour set up time and at least a 1 hour take down.
I CAN identify different instruments based on geographic locations in Africa.
I CAN participate in a call and response as an audience member.
I CAN respond to a performance and explain how meaning is conveyed through context, structure and elements.
Tony Vacca is an internationally renowned percussionist and composer whose live performances are visually stunning and musically simply astounding. He has performed and/or recorded with pop icon Sting, with Afro Pop giant Baaba Maal, and with Jazz legends Yusef Lateef and Don Cherry. His music has taken him to festivals and to schools throughout America, as well as to Africa and Europe. Tony's Math of Rhythm is all about the mathematics involved when we create rhythmic patterns in our music. Tony's definition of Math? "Mathematics is a system of patterns from which we can create and discover other unforeseeable patterns." He will use large graph paper charts to illustrate what the students learn from their hands-on instruction. With each grade level Tony goes into greater detail on how the patterns students play their increasingly complex patterns. At the end of this one hour session students can perform the parts they have learned in an elaborate song.
Feel free to combine grade levels within the 6-8 grade range in order to meet the required minimum of 100 students.
Yes, we can invite a small number of parents to help us load in or load out.
Please call.

Grade 6

Grade 6-7 Primary Discipline: Geography: Main Concept: Global Interconnections GEO 6"“7.9: Analyze the ways in which cultural and environmental characteristics vary among various regions of the world.
Grade 6-7: Primary Discipline: Geography: Main Concept: Human-Environment Interaction: Places, Regions, and Culture GEO 6"“7.4: Analyze the cultural and environmental characteristics that make places both similar to and different from one another
Music: Anchor Standard #11. Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding

MU:Pr4.2.7c Identify how cultural and historical context inform performance and results in
different music interpretations.

MU:Re7.2.7b Identify and compare the context of music from a variety of genres, cultures, and historical periods

Grade 7

Grade 6-7 Primary Discipline: Geography: Main Concept: Global Interconnections GEO 6"“7.9: Analyze the ways in which cultural and environmental characteristics vary among various regions of the world.
Grade 6-7: Primary Discipline: Geography: Main Concept: Human-Environment Interaction: Places, Regions, and Culture GEO 6"“7.4: Analyze the cultural and environmental characteristics that make places both similar to and different from one another
Music: Anchor Standard #11. Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding

MU:Pr4.2.7c Identify how cultural and historical context inform performance and results in
different music interpretations.

MU:Pr6.1.7b Demonstrate performance decorum (such as stage presence, attire, and behavior) and audience etiquette appropriate for venue, purpose, and context .

MU:Re7.2.7b Identify and compare the context of music from a variety of genres, cultures, and historical periods

Grade 8

Grade 8 Geographic Representations: Spatial Views of the World
GEO 8.1 Construct maps to represent and explain the spatial patterns of cultural and environmental characteristics.
Human-Environment Interaction: Places, Regions, and Culture

GEO 8.2 Analyze the combinations of cultural and environmental characteristics that make places both similar to and different from other places.
Grade 8
MUSIC: Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.
mu:pr6.1.8 B Demonstrate performance decorum (such as stage presence, attire and behavior) and audience etiquette appropriate for venue, purpose, and context.

MUSIC: Anchor Standard 4: mu: pr 4.2.8 C. Identity how
cultural and historical context inform performances and result in different musical effects.