Social Studies Theater Workshop (6-8)

Last changed: 07/09/2024 5:22pm
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6 , 7 , 8 Music Theater Dance
Theater English Social Studies
Both Grade Level and Arts/PE Program Integration
3 45 min
In-School Short Term Residency
All year long. In-School,
$10 0
yes In-Person , Other , Email , Phone
Basic theater game equipment, such as balls, large writing pads, any props needed for warm-up exercises or in the scene work, etc.
Whiteboard, pencils, chart paper, open space
No set-up required. Space for warm up exercises needed.
I can explain the causes and effects of events in the past.
I can construct arguments using claims and evidence from multiple sources.
I can generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work relating to historical or current events.
In this Social Studies Theater Workshop, an artist works with teachers to devise a three-day residency designed to give students a deeper connection to historical characters and/or current events related to a current study unit. Students learn how to develop a detailed historical or current day character by creating a personal biography as well as physical and vocal characterization. Students are prepared to present a specific viewpoint that takes into consideration their character"s motivations, feelings, and aspirations using historically-available resources. HartBeat's teaching artist works closely with the classroom teacher to identify primary sources for students to investigate their respective characters as well as other resource material such as History Alive or Junior Scholastic. Students are taught theater skills such as improvisation, script writing and character development. Final presentations may include developing theatrical scenes or alternative creative formats such as a television talk show. Our workshops are highly customizable. Topics that have been studied in the past are: events leading up to the US Revolutionary War; the UN"s Convention on the Rights of the Child and debate over "taxing the rich."
In this Social Studies Theater Workshop, an artist works with teachers to devise a three-day residency designed to give students a deeper connection to historical characters and/or current events related to a current study unit. Students learn how to develop a detailed historical or current day character by creating a personal biography as well as physical and vocal characterization. Students are prepared to present a specific viewpoint that takes into consideration their character"s motivations, feelings, and aspirations using historically-available resources. HartBeat's teaching artist works closely with the classroom teacher to identify primary sources for students to investigate their respective characters as well as other resource material such as History Alive or Junior Scholastic. Students are taught theater skills such as improvisation, script writing and character development. Final presentations may include developing theatrical scenes or alternative creative formats such as a television talk show. Our workshops are highly customizable. Topics that have been studied in the past are: events leading up to the US Revolutionary War; the UN"s Convention on the Rights of the Child and debate over "taxing the rich."
Teachers and supportive adults are encouraged to create safe space for students to learn.

Grade 6

Grade 6: Standard #2: History/Social Studies Literacy: Strand 2.4: Demonstrate an ability to participate in social studies discourse through informed discussion, debate and effective oral presentation: GLE #24: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions and debates (one-on-one, in groups, teacher-led), with diverse partners on social studies topics and texts, building on others" ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Grade 6: Standard #3: Civic Engagement: Strand 3.2: Analyze and evaluate human action in historical and/or contemporary contexts from alternative points of view: GLE #4: Cite evidence to summarize the feelings and outlook of people engaged in a historical event.
Grade 6: Theatre: Creating Anchor Standard 1 - Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. Identify possible solutions to staging challenges in a drama/theatre work.
Grade 6: Theatre: Performing Anchor Standard 5 - Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation. Recognize how acting exercises and techniques can be applied to a drama/theatre work.

Grade 7

Grade 7: Standard #2: History/Social Studies Literacy: Strand 2.4: Demonstrate an ability to participate in social studies discourse through informed discussion, debate and effective oral presentation: GLE #27: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions and debates (1-on-1, in groups, teacher-led), with diverse partners on social studies topics and texts, building on others" ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Grade 7: Standard #3: Civic Engagement: Strand 3.2: Analyze and evaluate human action in historical and/or contemporary contexts from alternative points of view: GLE #4: Explain the point of view of people engaged in a historical event using primary sources.
Grade 7: Theatre: Creating Anchor Standard 1 - Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. . Investigate multiple perspectives and solutions to staging challenges in a drama/theatre work.
Grade 7: Theatre: Performing Anchor Standard 5 - Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation. Participate in a variety of acting exercises and techniques that can be applied in a rehearsal or drama/theatre performance.

Grade 8

Grade 8: History: Perspectives 8.3 Analyze multiple factors that influenced the perspectives of people during different historical eras.
Grade 8: History: Causation and Argumentation: 8.9 Explain multiple causes and effects of events and developments in the past.
Grade 8: Theatre: Creating Anchor Standard 1 - Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
a. Imagine and
explore multiple
perspectives and
solutions to staging
problems in a
drama/ theatre
Grade 8: Theatre: Performing Anchor Standard 5 - Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
a. Use a variety of
acting techniques to
increase skills in a
rehearsal or