Rap 'n Rhythmetic: Making Music with Arithmetic, Ratios, & Exponents (6 - 8)

Last changed: 07/09/2024 5:21pm
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6 , 7 , 8
Music Math
Grade Level Program Integration
4 other
Class duration is 30 to 90 minutes (based on school's needs)

Performances are 30 min to 3 hrs (based on school's needs).
See description for minimum students to qualify for live performance
Combo In-School Performance & In-School Workshop In addition to classroom workshop days¦

For vouchers with under 60 students, the RapOet performs for individual classrooms on the first OR last day

For vouchers with at least 60 students, the RapOet performs for the whole grade or school on the first OR last day (using auditorium or cafeteria)

All year :) In-School,
$10 0
yes Phone , In-Person , Email
If the above materials are not provided by the school, the RapOet will gladly bring a Laptop, speakers, paper, and utensils :)
If you can't provide the following materials, the RapOet will provide alternatives. Just let him know if you have:

- A smartboard with sound, speakers, and ability to connect a USB drive
- Paper/index cards and pens/crayons for students on Day 1 and 2
- A laptop for each student on Day 3 and 4. Alternatively, a laptop for each group of 2 to 4 students in the class.
Schools with at least 60 students will need an auditorium or cafeteria with a table where the RapOet can put his DJ's equipment, and will discuss the sound system in advance, to determine whether he'll use the schools sound system, speakers, and mics, or bring his own.

Schools with under 60 students will receive a scaled down performance in their individual classrooms, at the beginning of the residency... so no particular space or set up is required for them.
I can use arithmetic and algebra to determine the number of Hip-Hop rhythms that I can fit in a song.

I can create, compose, and revise a Hip-Hop style instrumental songs.
Students begin creating and revising a spoken word or rap song on the first day, then learn on the second day to analyze poetic meter using poetic and mathematical terms to differentiate individual line types.

On the third day, they compose and revise an accompanying Hip-Hop instrumental, with electronic music software.

On the fourth day, students use arithmetic including ratios and basic algebra, focusing on exponents to figure out the possible combinations of Hip-Hop rhythms available for their song.

At the close, we'll record the RapOet rapping over the student's original music, and students will have a chance to perform their original spoken word or rap song as well.

Schools with at least 60 students will see a live performance from the RapOet on the first day, before breaking into individual classes.

Those with under 60 students will receive a smaller demonstration to start the individual classes on their first day.

DIFFERENTIATION: 8th graders are challenged to explain, in addition to demonstrating the impact of altering poetic & musical elements 6th graders are given less complex rhythms to calculate (exponents will be introduced based on the hosting teacher's recommendations)
For schools with over 60 students, caregivers can be audience members, helping to encourage students to participate during call & response, and helping students to come to the stage for showcase opportunities they may be shy about accepting on their own. During the performance, a ratio of 1 caregiver per every 3 students will not be distracting... as long as they come to participate. No cell phones or side conversations are permitted.

Grade 6

Grade 6 Math Standards: The Number System #3: Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.
Grade 6 Math Standards: Expressions and Equations #1: Write and evaluate numerical expressions involving whole-number exponents.
Grade 6 Music: Creating Anchor Standard 3.1: Refine and complete artistic work. a. Evaluate their own work, applying teacher-provided criteria such as application of selected elements of music, and use of sound sources.
Grade 6 Music: Performing Anchor Standard 4.3: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. a. Perform a selected piece of music, demonstrating how their
interpretations of the elements of music and the expressive
qualities (such as dynamics, tempo, timbre, articulation/style,
and phrasing) convey intent.

Grade 7

Grade 7 Math Standards: Expressions and Equations #3: Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.
Grade 7 Math Standards: The Number System #3: Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four
operations with rational numbers.
Grade 7 Music: Creating Anchor Standard 3.1: Refine and complete artistic work. a Evaluate their own work, applying selected criteria such as appropriate application of elements of music, including style, form, and use of sound sources.
Grade 7 Music: Performing Anchor Standard 4.3: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. a Perform contrasting pieces of music demonstrating their interpretations of the elements of music and expressive qualities (such as dynamics, tempo, timbre, articulation/style, and phrasing) convey intent .

Grade 8

Grade 8 Math Standards: Expressions and Equations #3: Use numbers expressed in the form of a single digit times an integer power of 10 to estimate very large or very small quantities, and to express how many times as much one is than the other.
Grade 8 Music: Creating Anchor Standard 3.1: Refine and complete artistic work. a. Evaluate their own work by selecting and applying criteria, including appropriate application of compositional techniques, style, form, and use of sound sources.
Grade 8 Music: Performing Anchor Standard 4.3: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. a. Perform contrasting pieces of music, demonstrating as well as explaining how the music"s intent is conveyed by their
interpretations of the elements of music and expressive
qualities (such as dynamics, tempo, timbre, articulation/style, and phrasing).
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RapOetry Workshop
