Caravan to Cairo (2-5)

Last changed: 07/09/2024 4:18pm
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Dance Social Studies
Grade Level Program Access
1 60 min
In-School Performance In-School Performance (intended for the entire grade level to experience together)
November-December; March-June In-School, In-School + Offsite,
$10 120
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In advance: Print-quality PDF of study guide; Performance Day: 4 performers, 1 stage manager/technician, costumes and props, sound system, 2 6' tables for backstage, garment racks, mirrors
Open performance area "“ stage, gym, cafeteria "“ w/electrical outlet; area adjacent to stage (or in wings) to be used as dressing area to accommodate 4 dancers plus costume racks & 2 6" tables; on-site parking space for company van.
Open performance area "“ stage, gym, cafeteria "“ w/electrical outlet; area adjacent to stage (or in wings) to be used as dressing area to accommodate 4 dancers plus costume racks & 2 6" tables; on-site parking space for company van.
I CAN explain how elements of dance are used in dances of different cultures. I CAN identify the isolations done by different parts of the body to execute some of the dance movements of Middle Eastern dance. I CAN discuss how movement and dance are used together to tell a story. I CAN understand that stories from different cultures often are very similar. I CAN explain how countries within the same region share many similar characteristics, but are very different.
Caravan to Cairo is a unique arts-in-education assembly program from Mosaic Dance Theater Company (MDTC), presenting a travelogue of original folkloric dances from the lands of North Africa and the Middle East. Choreographed by Samara Adell, an acknowledged master of Middle Eastern dance, this 45-60 minute dance journey through the Near East offers a diversity of engaging styles and rhythms, lavish, colorful costumes, and features a charming re-telling of an Arabic folktale, presented in MDTC"s signature style of dance/story theater. Each dance piece has been authentically choreographed and costumed, is performed to pre-recorded traditional music, and is preceded by a brief pre-recorded introduction so the students can identify what they will be seeing. A short, interactive dance lesson, with selected students on stage (and the rest of the students in their seats) learning some of the movements and dance steps of Middle Eastern dance, adds to the fun. Following the performance, students will have the opportunity to meet the cast during the Q&A. This critically acclaimed program, touring since 2001, is designed to bring cultural awareness of the dances and the music of North Africa and Middle East to school audiences, and also to instill in them an acceptance and a tolerance of other cultures. There is no difference in the program across the grade levels.
Chaperones; Audience members.

Grade 2

Grade 2: Geography: Human-Environment Interaction: Places, Regions, and Culture: GEO: 2.5 Explain how humans affect the culture and environment of places/region.
Grade 2: Geography: Human-Environment Interaction: Places, Regions, and Culture: GEO 2.6 Identify cultural and environmental characteristics of a place/region.
Dance: Responding: Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work:
B:Demonstrate and describe movements in dances from different genres or cultures.
Dance: Responding: Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
A. Observe or demonstrate dances from a genre or culture. Discuss movements and other aspects of the dances that make the dances work well, and explain why they work. Use simple dance terminology.

Grade 3

Grade 3: Geography: Human-Environment Interaction: Places, Regions, and Culture: GEO: 3.4: Explain how culture influences the way people modify and adapt to their environments.
Grade 3: Geography: Human Population: Spatial Patterns and Movement: GEO 3.7: Explain how cultural and environmental characteristics affect the distribution and movement of people, goods, and ideas.
Dance: Responding: Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work
B. Demonstrate and explain how one dance
genre is different from another, or how one cultural movement practice is different from another.
Dance: Responding: Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
A. Select dance movements from specific genres, styles, or cultures. Identify characteristic movements from these dances and describe in basic
dance terminology ways in which they are alike and different.

Grade 4

Grade 4: Geography: Human-Environment Interaction: Places, Regions, and Culture: GEO: 4.3 Explain how culture influences the way people modify and adapt to their environments.
Grade 4: Geography: Human Population: Spatial Patterns and Movement: GEO 4.6: Explain how cultural and environmental characteristics affect the distribution and movement of people, goods, and ideas.
Dance: Responding: Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work
B. Demonstrate and explain how dance styles differ within a genre or within a cultural movement practice.
Dance: Responding: Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
A. Discuss and demonstrate the characteristics that make a dance artistic and apply those characteristics to dances observed or performed in a specific genre, style, or cultural movement practice. Use basic dance terminology.

Grade 5

Grade 5: Geography: Human-Environment Interaction: Places, Regions, and Culture: GEO 5.2: Explain how culture influences the way people modify and adapt to their environments.
Grade 5: Geography: Human Population: Spatial Patterns and Movement: GEO 5.3: Explain how human settlements and movements relate to the locations and use of various natural resources.
Dance: Responding: Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work
B. Describe, using basic dance terminology, the
qualities and characteristics of style used in a dance from one"s own cultural movement practice.
Compare them to the qualities and characteristics of style found in a different dance genre, style, or cultural movement practice, also using basic dance terminology.
Dance: Responding: Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
A. Define the characteristics of dance that make a dance artistic and meaningful. Relate them to the elements of dance in genres, styles, or cultural movement practices. Use basic dance terminology to describe characteristics that make a dance artistic and meaningful.