World Beat

Last changed: 05/03/2018 2:23pm
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Music Social Studies
Grade Level Program Alignment
3 45 min
In-School Short Term Residency
All year, based on availability of instructor
$10 0
no Other
Traditional drums,hand outs with song lyrics and drum descriptions. Drums or buckets, drum sticks, percussion instruments,
paper and pencils, a large space appropriate for drumming, copies of hand outs and pre/post test
gym, auditorium or cleared classroom, chairs enough for students drum circle
I CAN use call and response to learn music and rhythms from the African Diaspora.

I CAN identify animal skins traditionally used to make drums in Africa.

I CAN identify ways to play and communicate with traditional drums.
Day One: Introduction, explore and discuss student backgrounds and cultural connections, introduce call and response concept, teach basic Funga rhythm and song from West Africa using hands/sticks and buckets.

Day Two: Define bass/tone/slap technique for African drumming, call and response identifying each type of note and playing with stick or bucket. Reinforce and continue rhythm exploration by singing/clapping, discussion to compare and contrast world rhythms in hip hop songs, make up their own simple pattern for the class to repeat, review all previously taught rhythms for share day.

Day Three: Share Day, oral presentation and drum demonstration of facts learned about, West Africa,perform music patterns and class concepts, administer post test.

Grade 3

Grade 3: Geography: Human-Environment Interaction: Places, Regions, and Culture: 3.4: Explain how culture influences the way people modify and adapt to their environments.
Grade 3: Music: Performing: Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. A: Perform music with expression and technical accuracy.
Grade 3: Music: Performing: Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. B: Demonstrate performance decorum and audience etiquette appropriate for the context and venue.