The Three Branches of Government (3, 4, 5)

Last changed: 07/15/2024 8:08pm
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3 , 4 , 5
Theater Social Studies
Grade Level Program Alignment
1 90 min
Offsite Tour

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History
One Elizabeth Street
Hartford, CT 06105
all year Offsite,
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no In-Person , Email , Phone
I can define and describe government in terms of the people and groups who apply and enforce rules and laws.
I can explain the process of how a bill becomes a law in Connecticut.
I can describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democratic society.
Students explore Connecticut’s executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government to discover who makes the rules in Connecticut. To better understand the role of each branch, students elect a governor from their class, debate a bill, and hold a mock trial (student reading required). Through role-playing and active participation, students learn the purpose of rules and laws, explore the separation of powers, and discover the rights and responsibilities of individuals.
We require 1 adult chaperone for every 10 students. Due to space limitations, a maximum of 1 adult for every 5 students is permitted. Chaperones are admitted free of charge.

Grade 3

3.Civ.1.a Identify the responsibilities and powers of government officials at the state and local level.
3.Civ.4.b Explain how a bill becomes a law in Connecticut.
TH:Cn11.1.3a Identify connections to community, social issues and other content areas in drama/theater work.
TH:Re9.1.3c Evaluate and analyze problems and situations in a drama/theater work from an audience perspective.

Grade 4

4.Civ.6.a Describe ways in which people throughout United States regions benefit from and are challenged by working through government and voluntary organizations to address issues related to United States founding ideals.
4.Civ.12.a Explain how people have worked and are working to change laws related to communities, inclusive of religion, ethnicity, and gender, within and across United States regions.
TH:Cn11.1.4a Respond to community and social issues and incorporate other content areas in drama/theater work.

Grade 5

5.Civ.14.a Illustrate how individuals and groups in the Revolutionary Era and today have and can effect change.
5.Civ.10.b Identify the contributing factors that underlie multiple and varied points of view about school, community, and civic issues.
TH:Cn11.1.5a Investigate historical, global and social issues expressed in drama/theater work.