Moving Social Justice Through Dr. King's Principles of Nonviolence (6 - 8)

Last changed: 07/09/2024 5:36pm
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6 , 7 , 8
Dance Social Studies
Grade Level Program Alignment
1 60 min
In-School Workshop
All year In-School,
$5 0
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music, lesson plan on the exploration of social justice through tableau and movement
large poster paper (two for each class) and markers
Participation of the main teacher of the class along with the students for the first day and at least one of the other days is required. No special set up is required as this is done in the classroom.
I can understand social justice through Dr. King's Principles of Nonviolence.

I can understand tableau and the basics of choreography.

I can work creatively and collaboratively to express feelings and ideas.

I can start to regulate my feelings with an introduction to mindfulness.

-Explore social justice through Dr. King's Principles of Nonviolence

-Bring them to life through basic choreography movement and tableau

-Work together creatively and collaboratively

-Start to develop mindfulness skills

Grade 6

Grade 6: Civics: Processes, Rules and Laws: 6"“7.3 Compare historical and contemporary means of changing societies and promoting the common good.
Grade 6: Dance: Performing: Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. A: Refine partner and ensemble skills in the ability to judge distance and spatial design. Establish diverse pathways, levels, and patterns in space. Maintain focus with partner or group in near and far space.

Grade 7

Grade 7; Civics: Processes, Rules and Laws: 6"“7.3 Compare historical and contemporary means of changing societies and promoting the common good.
Grade 7: Dance: Performing: Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. A. Expand movement vocabulary of floor and air pattern designs. Incorporate and modify body designs from different dance genres and styles for the purpose of expanding movement vocabulary to include differently designed shapes and movements for interest and contrast.

Grade 8

Grade 8: Civics: Processes, Rules, and Laws: 8.4 Compare historical and contemporary means of changing societies, and promoting the common good.
Grade 8: Dance: Creating: Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. A. Collaborate to select and apply a variety of choreographic devices and dance structures to choreograph an original dance study or dance with a clear artistic intent. Articulate the group process for making movement and structural choices.