Living Through Their Eyes (6 - 8)

Last changed: 07/09/2024 5:06pm
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6 , 7 , 8
Theater Social Studies English
Grade Level Program Integration
5 60 min

60-90 minute sessions with a culminating grade-level Share
Number of visits is flexible and are typically held once or twice a week to best integrate with selected social studies unit.
Schedule determined during the pre-planning meeting and based on the needs of the school.
In-School Short Term Residency
All Year In-School,
$10 0
yes In-Person

Props, handouts, prompts or reference materials based on selected unit or topic

Chart paper or white board
Non-lined paper or a journal for each student
Agreed upon materials or copies
Copy of selected social studies unit or chapter and related text

Open space in classroom or multi-purpose space large enough for entire class to participate on their feet simultaneously or spread out to work in small groups
Access to tables/desks/chairs for writing or drawing activities
A large space or auditorium reserved for Session 4 and Session 5, if sharing with the whole grade level

I can use evidence gained from text and illustrations to visualize, describe and demonstrate a "Day in the Life" of a real or fictional character from another time period or culture, comparing/contrasting it with a similar character from today.

I can recognize and discuss causes and effects of an event or development in the past or in another region of the world as viewed from multiple perspectives.

I can work with peers to create and perform an original scene or theatre piece that accurately represents the actions and motivations of characters from another time period or culture.

Transforming an "I would never . . . !" Reaction to a "Could I ever . . . ?" Exploration.

Create a residency uniquely designed for your students. Teachers may select any social studies unit or topic for student exploration. Collaboration with the teaching artist assures alignment of specific theatre exercises with curricular information. (See Additional Notes for examples)

The residency typically consists of 5 sessions with possible teacher directed classwork in between. Each meeting incorporates a warm-up, a brief review, 1-2 drama activities, moments of self-reflection, a summary, and a preview.

Session 1 introduces students to drama, building comfort and confidence, as they participate simultaneously in their own personal space and verbally share their knowledge of the topic.

Sessions 2 and 3 challenge students to combine research and imagination, using evidence gleaned from close reading of text and images to visualize and portray a character's personal traits, interactions with others, and reactions to events. Students develop and express their ideas through writing (letter/journal/monologue), creating tableaux, and/or improvising scenes.

Session 4 engages each class in creating a unique Sharing of small group scenes or a large group collaboration.

Session 5 empowers students to present their ideas to others, reflect on their own work, and give/receive feedback to solidify the learning.

Theatre provides a safe space to approach challenging topics; encouraging students to push beyond contemporary perspectives, objectively assess history and make connections to their own world. Character and scene study exercises spark curiosity and help students step squarely "in the moment" looking through a character's eyes "out toward" not "back at" another time, place, or culture. The process offers a balance of ease and challenge, choice and structure, movement and table work, individual exploration and group collaboration that helps students understand multiple perspectives while not necessarily justifying the actions they produce.
Carlotta Walls Lanier's memoir, A Mighty Long Way: My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School provides the foundation for a study of desegregation. Students reference headlines and photographs to create a timeline of events and illustrate it by taking on roles in a series of tableaux.

Choose your own topic or select from previously developed units below:
World Wars I and II, Personal Identity, Vietnam War, Immigration, Desegregation/Little Rock Nine, or individual projects developed for National History Day.

*The Teaching Artist can use any text from the current curriculum selected by the Teacher and/or provide additional resources.

*All ACTive Learning Through Drama programs have been developed and implemented by a professional theatre educator in collaboration with classroom teachers and arts specialists.

1-3 are welcome to assist in the classroom, if the teacher desires.
Parents, guardians and administrators could watch the informal share in Session 5.

Grade 6

Grade 6: History: Change, Continuity, and Context: 6-8.1: Use questions about historically significant people or events to explain the impact on a region

Grade 6: Reading Standards for Informational Text: Key Ideas and Details #3: Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

Grade 6: Theatre: Creating: Anchor Standard 1.1:
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

c. Explore a scripted or improvised character by imagining the given circumstances in a drama/theatre work.
Grade 6: Theatre: Creating: Anchor Standard 2.1: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

a. Use critical analysis to improve, refine, and evolve original ideas and artistic choices in a devised or scripted drama/theatre work.

Grade 7

Grade 7: Geography: Human-Environment Interaction: Place, Regions, and Culture: 6-7.5: Explain the connections between the physical and human characteristics of a region and the identity of individuals and cultures living there.
Grade 7: Reading Standards for Informational Text: Key Ideas and Details #3: Analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text (e.g., how ideas influence individuals or events, or how individuals influence ideas or events).

Grade 7: Theatre: Creating: Anchor Standard 1.1:
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

c. Envision and describe a scripted or improvised character's inner thoughts and objectives in a drama/theatre work.
Grade 7: Theatre: Creating: Anchor Standard 2.1: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

a. Examine and justify original ideas and artistic choices in a drama/theatre work based on critical analysis, background knowledge, and historical and cultural context.

Grade 8

Grade 8: History: Causation and Argumentation: 8.9: Explain multiple causes and effects of events and developments in the past.

Grade 8: Reading Standards for Informational Text: Key Ideas and Details #3: Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories)

Grade 8: Theatre: Creating: Anchor Standard 1.1:
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

c. Develop a scripted or improvised character by articulating the character's inner thoughts, objectives, and motivations in a drama/theatre work.
Grade 8: Theatre: Creating: Anchor Standard 2.1: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

a. Articulate and apply critical analysis, background knowledge, research, and historical and cultural context to the development of original ideas for a drama/theatre work.
Get to Know Our Arts Provider:

ACTive Learning Through Drama with Barbara Washer